Director - Performance & Driver Coach

Oliver Myers

Director & Head Driver Coach

Oliver has come from a passionate racing background. He has enjoyed success in the British and European Racing scene taking multiple British Open Championships, podiums in Europe and around the globe.

Oliver has always acknowledged that success on the track only comes with attention to detail, preparation, and practice. More than ever before, racing drivers are regarded as elite athletes who must hone and perfect their driving skills alongside ultimate physical fitness. Oliver completed his mechanical engineering and sporting excellence qualifications, making him a qualified sports coach.

“Failing to prepare is preparing to fail”, and this applies particularly to motorsport where the stakes are high and there is no margin for error. Oliver therefore works with great dedication and care towards his drivers to help with their race preparation. The unique state of the art Race Simulator, High Performance gym, a wealth of knowledge and expertise enables drivers under Oliver’s guidance to arrive at the race circuit well prepared and ready to get ahead of the competition.